
Monday, April 04, 2005

Jim's Bobo

(Talking)We're sending this song out to emmm....emmm...Jim.
Who had a booboo.
He fell in the playground, it wasn't nice.
He's 22.
He is, yeah.
Playing on the swing.
He was, yeah.
He almost killed himself, booboo on his knee, so we'd like to dedicate this song to Tom,J...what's his name?
Jim I mean, we'd like to dedicate this to em...him, it's called eh.
Ok 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 I know how to count, ok start.

Plaster on my booboo, on my booboo.(X2)
Plaster on my booboo, it's a big booboo, it's on my knee, the booboo is on my knee.
It's a booboo, it's on my knee, it is on my knee.
It is on my knee, it's hurting me, it is on my knee, hurting me.

(talking)And that was dedicated to Billy-Bob.
I mean Joe.