
Monday, April 04, 2005


Paint your house,
everybody paint your house.
You need a paintbrush first, don't forget the paint.
You need some paint,
you need some paint to paint your house.
Paint it all the colours of the rainbow
Paint yout house X6
With a paintbrush
Or get one of those people to do it for you
that come alone and paint your house and you can laugh at them
Cause painting your house is funny
Paint your house
You know what, paint... your house
Paint your house paint your house, paint your house

Paint your house Mary
Pat you should paint your house
Mick, damn that needs a slap of paint
Ah gee John, you need to put some paint on that
NIMMO'S! house needs to be painted

Play some do's, di's and de's on the guitar X2

Paint your house everyone,
everybody paint your house
Paint your house X5
Paint your house
Paint your house BLUE~~~~~

The Adjective Song

For every noun there's an adjective,
For an adjective describes.
They're used in French and Icelandic,
Example: my big wives.

Adjectives have opposites
Such as huge and tiny.
Some do the same
Lie soft and squidgy.

Adjectives are better than adverbs.
Take a minute do you know enough.
Say as many as you can, like long
And tall and shaggy and rough.

For every noun there's an adjective,
adjectives are used everyday.
How often do you say the adjective "nice",
For in pig latin that's icenay.


Jim's Bobo

(Talking)We're sending this song out to emmm....emmm...Jim.
Who had a booboo.
He fell in the playground, it wasn't nice.
He's 22.
He is, yeah.
Playing on the swing.
He was, yeah.
He almost killed himself, booboo on his knee, so we'd like to dedicate this song to Tom,J...what's his name?
Jim I mean, we'd like to dedicate this to em...him, it's called eh.
Ok 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 I know how to count, ok start.

Plaster on my booboo, on my booboo.(X2)
Plaster on my booboo, it's a big booboo, it's on my knee, the booboo is on my knee.
It's a booboo, it's on my knee, it is on my knee.
It is on my knee, it's hurting me, it is on my knee, hurting me.

(talking)And that was dedicated to Billy-Bob.
I mean Joe.

Ah Come On Man

We have no musical training/talent,
And we think we can play,
We like to eat sandwiches,
We had four yesterday.
Hey, hey-hey-hey(X4)
We can't find Duffman,
Even though he's meant to be there,
We're gonna sue Matt Groening,
He looks like Cher.

Hey, hey-hey-hey(X4)

We're near the end of the song now,
We hope you're glad,
There's only one verse left,
It ain't that bad.

Hey, hey-hey-hey(X4)

La la la la la la la la
La la la la la
La la la oh la la la
Oh la la la la la.

YEAH, yeah-yeah-yeah(X4)

Buy our album,
Buy our album,
Buy our album,
Buy our album,
It's in the shops today,
But don't ask where you can find it,
Buy it now, if you can find it.

We have no musical trainin-Wait wait wait wait, what what What!!
People aren't gonna be buying our album if they keep on hearing the same god damn thing over and over again.
Ah well Nimmo, you know.
Yeah ok Nimmo.

...Ah come on man!

My Amp Is Broked

My amp is broked

I woke up in the morning, to see what I could find.
But my amp was broken, so I couldn't make my bed.(sleepy head)
My pasta was burned, and I had no toaster, to make toast.(sleepy head)
I thought I was rich, but I never boast.(sleepy head)


One, Two, Three, Nimmo!
He has a no penis,
Nimmo has no penis,
He has no penis.

He has no nothing,
That means he has no penis,
Nimmo has no penis,
Oh Nimmo has no penis.
Nimmo has no penis,